Our Personal Data Protection Policy
One of the company’s foremost priorities is to protect the personal data you have provided in accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and to use this data in line with the law. We are well aware of the activities we need to undertake to this end and we are ready to accomplish them.
In accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, your personal data will only be processed, recorded, stored, updated, and shared with third persons in cases where legislation allows, within the following contexts:
The information we request from you is determined in the framework of your relations with the company.
If you are a visitor of the company, the information we obtain from you (name, surname, telephone, address, car number plate number, date of birth, web addresses you have accessed using company resources, etc.) is obtained within the framework both of our company’s relevant regulations and our liabilities to store information during and after your visit.
If you are applying to work in our company, the information we obtain from you in addition to the information mentioned above (your school of graduation, previous work places, marital status, etc.) is obtained to identify whether there are work opportunities in our company appropriate to your qualifications. Job applications other than curricula vitae submitted via our company website or to a human resources representative by hand are not processed and are disposed of.
If you are a company employee, the information we obtain from you in addition to the information mentioned above (health status, criminal record, identification information, insurance information, etc.) is determined within the framework of the company’s procedures and legal obligations. The personal information in the personal files of former employees who left the company 11 years ago or longer and personal information related to Work Health and Safety of those who left the company 16 years ago or longer are disposed of.
Your personal data will be stored for as long as the purpose of processing the data is valid. If the data has to be stored for statutory periods for the purposes of reporting and the provision of information to legal institutions and public authorities, these rules will be abided by. The security measures necessary to prevent stored and recorded data from being lost, falling into the possession of unauthorised persons or being used illegally have been identified and are being implemented.
Without your clear consent, your data will not be used for purposes other than the intended purposes or shared with or transferred to third persons in Turkey or abroad, with the exception of legal obligations and public organisations and institutions.
Your written signature or your clear consent provided in printed or online format is required for your personal data to be shared and processed with third persons from whom we receive services or with whom we cooperate.
These principles may change in the event of changes to the legislation. If the legislation is amended, the necessary announcements will be made on our website and the changes will become applicable once the announcement concerning them has been published on our website. We recommend you to visit our website regularly to be informed about these changes.
In accordance with Article 11 of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, you can consult our company via enka@enka.com in order to utilise your personal data rights. Specifically, you can:
- Find out whether your personal data are being processed,
- Request information if your data have been processed,
- Find out the purpose for which your data is processed and whether it has been processed in accordance with this purpose,
- Find out whether your personal data has been transferred, and if so, the third persons to which your data has been transferred,
- Request your personal data to be corrected if they have been processed incorrectly or incompletely,
- Request your personal data to be erased in line with the conditions stipulated in the legislation,
- Request third persons to whom your data have been transferred to be instructed to correct or erase your personal data,
- Request compensation if you have suffered damages due to your data being processed illegally.